Members $45 ($47 PayPal), non-members $50 ($52 PayPal), registration link on home page.
Workshop: Working with Children’s Charts (4 hours)
Owing to international Child Safeguarding guidelines, astrologers should not risk their practices by making themselves vulnerable to serious accusations that could come from working with unsupervised children. However, children (particularly adolescents) are often the people who raise the most concerns. This Master class on working with the astrology charts of under 18s effectively and ethically is aimed at professional astrologers who wish to support parents and teachers with the power of astrology.
1st Hour: Understanding Saturn by sign and hard aspects effectively create the building blocks of life for authority figures as well as developing children.
2nd Hour: Understanding Jupiter by sign and hard aspects help parents and teachers understand how their children learn. Knowing when children grow by leaps and bounds can help parents and teachers prioritise their resources.
3rd Hour: Defiance and rebellion are two of the main difficulties parents and teachers experience from teenage children. The rapid brain development during these challenging years is reflected in the first Ptolemaic aspect from an outer planet (Uranus) to its natal position.
4th Hour: This will be a time to integrate the knowledge learned during the first three parts of this workshop. Sample charts will be used and any leftover questions will be addressed.
Alex Trenoweth, MA (CAA), DFAstrolS, CIA Agent 144 is an astrological researcher and professional schoolteacher in London UK. In 2015, she was awarded “International Astrologer of the Year” by the Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology (KIA) for her ground-breaking and innovative research on Astrology and Education based on her book “Growing Pains” (The Wessex Astrologer). Since then she has spoken at astrology conferences around the world and has contributed to major astrological magazines and publications. She is now President of CAPISAR and has recently started her own astrology school, Rohini Academy of Astrology. Her website is www.alextrenoweth.co.uk