Monday, February 8, 2021 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Uranus Squares in 2021. Working the New Paradigm Into Our Life
New discoveries and understandings, waking-up the need to change material
securities in 2021. Learn how six significant squares to Uranus awaken our values.
Creatively, radically, with sudden breaks or in overthrowing structures overall --
to break through the spells of the past.
Learn how and where this may play out in YOUR life, based on your sun sign.
Please join us on zoom
$25 Registration at to receive link to virtual Zoom meeting.
We look forward to seeing you!
Diane Trimbath
Astrologer C.A., NCGR-PAA
Diane received her Level IV Certification through the National Council for Geocosmic
Research (NCGR). She is a practicing Astrologer, offers ‘A Look at the Month Ahead’ online course via International Academy of Astrology (IAA) and Secretary on the Lake County Astrological Association, LCAA Board.
Diane holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design from Kent State University and has
been Owner/Creative Director of a Marketing Communications Firm in Ohio since 1989.