4 Thursdays starting June 24, at 7 PM; $100 for all 4 classes or $30 individual classes. Sign up on the home page www.LakeCountyAstrology.com
Weeks 1 & 2 - using the yearly techniques to build the big picture of the main events for the year: Annual Profections, Solar Return, Firdaria, Zodical Releasing, slower transits. For weeks 1 & 2 we will be looking at the dignities, sect, and other strengths & weaknesses of the planets that arise as key players for the year. Weeks 3 & 4 - pulling the timing of the month for the events uncovered for the year: monthly profections, faster transits, lunations & eclipses. For weeks 3 & 4 we will be looking at "right timing" using bonification & corruption for events where we can choose our timing in the best windows of opportunity.
