Lake County Astrological Association
Encouraging and Promoting the Science and Art of Astrology
Adventures in Uranian Astrology: A Six-Week Course presented by Judi Vitale, M.A., C.A. (NCGR-PAA)
Wed, Jan 18
Summary: In this course, we will introduce Uranian astrology and learn how to use it in practice. After completing these six sessions, participants will be able to read Uranian charts for their clients, deploy predictive techniques, and begin to query the chart and use the dial for rectification.

Time & Location
Jan 18, 2023, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM EST
About the event
Week One:
What is Uranian Astrology?
- how it works
- why we use it
- history
- Transneptunians
Week Two:
Setting up the Uranian Chart
- dials, 360° and 90°
- more about Transneptunians
- precision: a key factor
- the major axes and what they reveal
- the spiritual dimension
Week Three:
Uranian astrology in consulting (demonstration)
- what does the client need to know?
- the major axes
- midpoints and how to read them
- interpreting the Rules for Planetary Pictures
Week Four:
More Uranian consulting
- Important midpoints to consider
- avoiding Uranian “overwhelm”
- reading midpoint sorts
Week Five:
Predicting with Uranian astrology (demonstration)
- Solar Arc Direction
- reading transits the Uranian way
- putting it all together
Week Six:
More about prediction, rectification, and querying the chart
- more prediction in practice
- Uranian style rectification
- querying the chart (3-part planetary pictures)
For dial work:
For this course, we will focus on using the Nova Chartwheels program from Astrolabe. While
acquiring this program is well worth the investment, it is possible to use Uranian astrology and
benefit greatly from this course without it. Participants can construct paper dials (see the LCAA
workshop from June, 2022), or use midpoint sorts, which we will cover in the course. Midpoint
sorts are available in most astrology programs, including Solar Fire. Those using paper dials
should acquire a .pdf file of the 90° dial from the instructor.
For interpretations:
Using Uranian astrology requires the use of the book, Rules for Planetary Pictures by Alfred
Witte. You can borrow a .pdf version of it from The Open Library, or purchase a soft cover book
from Uranian Astrology Books for around $30.00. The book is highly recommended. You will
study the introduction for many years, and you will need to refer to the rest of the book in order
to interpret the findings you glean from client charts. Note: the interpretations in the Chartwheels
program do not contain the information you will need from the Witte material.
Two other books that can be useful are Dial Detective by Maria K, and Prediction in Astrology by Noel Tyl. We won’t be using these books in sessions, but it can add to your understanding of the material, and build your confidence. Tyl’s work on Solar Arc is unparalleled.
Uranian Astrology, Judi Vitale
$200.00+$5.00 service feeSale ended