LCAA Monthly Meeting: Frank Piechoski "Astrology of Artists" June 28 at 7:30 PM via Zoom

This lecture is an examination of artists' charts using sound research methods to discover chart factors that denote professional success in the world of fine arts. The lecture will show not only the results of the research, but the methodology and tools used to obtain results.

Frank Piechoski first began doing charts in 1976. His lectures include presentations at UAC, AFA, SOTA, ATI, the Astrological Association of Great Britain and numerous local groups. Frank combines classical and modern

astrology techniques, with William Lilly and Reinhold Ebertin principal amongst his influences. In addition to natal chart consultations, Frank specializes in electional, vocational, forecasting astrology – working closely with both private clients and businesses. Above all, Frank approaches astrology from a practical standpoint – how best to get the job done.

Members free, guests $10 (registration on home page

Virtual doors open at 7 PM for casual chat, the meeting starts at 7:30 PM.